Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Just come back from PRC business trip & then attended an ACCA seminar about IFRS for SMEs. Unexpectedly the seminar is not bored! & I thought that the IFRS for SMEs is really a great tools for SMEs. I wonder when HKICPA will adopt that.

Changing accounting standards are always a disaster to small practitioners like me. We simply may not have enought resources to cope with the fast changing standards. One reason I like the IFRS for SMEs is that the speaker today claimed that they realized the resources issue & promised that there would only be an exposure draft once in THREE years! I think this is really a good policy.


  1. 我覺得HKICPA唔單只要adoptIRFS for SMEs,公會更應該投放多些資源去支援 local cpa firms.

  2. Thanks Bittermelon, 100% agree with you. Supoort to local CPA firms are always not enough. However, as an old saying, god help those who help themselves. We have to help ourselves!

  3. Dr Paul Pactor is a good role model.

    - another practising CPA
